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Desktop Cichlids: The Shell-Dweller Recipe
by Matt Pedersen
Last Update - 4-06-01
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The interesting behavior and coloration of African Cichlids is largely responsible for their popularity as aquarium residents. Sometimes a hobbyist doesn't have the space, time, or money to setup and maintain a large aquarium full of boisterous Cichlids. If this is your situation, there is a group of Cichlids which will fill your needs, providing endless fascination and enjoyment. Acquaint yourself with the Dwarf Shell-Dwellers from Lake Tanganyika.

Specifically, we will examine the appropriate care and maintenance for the Dwarf Shell-Dwelling Cichlids of the genus Neolamprologus (sometimes Lamprologus), which often reach only 2 inches in length. In nature these fish colonize vast beds of empty shells from Neothauma tanganicensis, a common aquatic snail. These empty shells provide the perfect home for these miniature Cichlids, which spend their day darting in and out of shells, raising families, and avoiding predation. Due to their diminutive size, and consequentially smaller territorial needs and aggression levels, many of these Cichlids are ideal for aquaria as small as 10 gallons (20" x 10" x 12"). This recipe will take you step-by-step through the materials needed, the process of housing and caring for these dwarf Cichlids, and will end with an examination of suitable candidates for your aquarium.

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